Have you abandoned your New Year's resolutions?
The majority of individuals set New Year's goals every year, yet almost every survey shows us that roughly 80% of those resolutions will be abandoned between January and February. While it may seem to be the culprit, lack of resolve is not the reason why you abandon your resolution each year.
While some people find goals motivating, others may find it overwhelming and paralysing. Instead of motivating the individual, it may actually discourage them from accomplishing their objective if it is too farfetched. Pursuing one grand sweeping goal may be both impractical and detrimental to your overall wellbeing.
What can you do?
The following advice may help you get back on track if you've strayed too far from your resolutions for the new year:
When setting goals, be aware of the potential challenges. A little preparation may go a long way, so if you're having trouble with your current resolutions, set some time aside to develop new ones and map out any potential roadblocks and then include strategies for overcoming those roadblocks into your goal.
Convert your goals into values. Values are never achieved, but rather they serve as a compass, continually informing and directing our actions. Having a clear understanding of why you're trying to do something can help you achieve it in a meaningful manner.
Keep an open mind and be willing to adapt. Instead of giving up when you don't achieve a goal, try coming up with a new, more reasonable one.
Maintain as much specificity as possible in your resolutions. Vague or broad resolutions are the enemy of success, so if you're having difficulty keeping to your mega goals, try focusing on a specific micro goal.
Set a reward for yourself as motivation to get back on track. This might provide you with the drive you need to recommit to your goals if you have strayed.
It is fine to let go of certain resolutions. If your New Year’s resolution isn’t working after a few weeks, it's likely that the resolution wasn’t right for you.
Celebrate your wins. Be proud of your accomplishments, even if you haven’t done what you initially set out to.
If one of your New Year's resolutions was to stop misusing alcohol or other substances, or if alcohol or other substances are interfering with how you want to live your life, or what you want to achieve, your mental/physical well-being, your relationships, work, and daily routines, it may be time to seek help from your local SANCA branch.
Contact SANCA NATIONAL on 011 892 3829 or visit our website on www.sancanational.info