SANCA National celebrated Kick-Your-Habit campaign and commemorated the World Drug Day on June 26.
#WorldDrugDay #KYH SANCA National celebrated the Kick-Your-Habit campaign and commemorated the World Drug Day on 26 June 2021. The theme...
Why is addiction a family disease? Addiction affects the family as a whole and each member individually and as living in an unsafe...
PRESS RELEASE: Legalisation of Dagga
SANCA (South African National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence) stated that it is a sad day for South Africa due to the...
Last Session: Shinning the spotlight on Tsholofelo Moche
We as people are shaped by our environment and experiences, we then in turn use our experiences to shape our future. Many experiences...

Don't write your life away.
Don't write your life away. Don"t risk your life and creativity by experimenting with substances and risky behaviour. Choose clean lines...
Personality of a drink
In the world of wine connoisseurs and tasters it is said that each alcoholic drink has its own personality and what more if a bottle or...
Child and Substance Abuse
It is common and well researched that there is a strong link between adult substance abuse and child abuse and neglect worldwide. This...
Farewell to our National Leader
Let’s hope that there are no grammatical errors in this new blog, however if there are any such mistakes I will count on my fixer-...
Democracy to govern non-government and non-profit organisations
In 2015 there was more than an estimated 100 000 registered non-profit organisations in South Africa. This shows the need of non-profit,...
Let's clear the smoke
There seems to be a lot of laws that are being changed or added in South Africa which is a good sign of that our democracy is advancing...